Monday, October 29, 2018

UP, UP, and AWAY!

I will be discontinuing my weekly blogs as of now until mid January. We are getting ready for a big family visit to Florida, and there are other important matters taking up my time and serious commitment.

On top of the list is helping a woman friend of mine to find a kidney donor. She has been on Dialysis for 7 months now. I have written a bio for her to send out to all possible avenues.
I will be in correspondence with various groups and institutions.
If anyone cares to read my brief presentation of her-----please let me know, and I will send it off to you.

I believe she deserves a kidney donation because SHE does! Her life is not ready to end.
I will not be sending emails while on vacation-----nor do I plan to be on a computer.

I trust I will join you again mid January-----I will be another year older in December.

Do think about looking back on this last year's submissions---November 2nd will be a year's anniversary since I began to send to some of you,(not all)---if you were late on the list.
You may want to see what came before!
The topics vary considerably. There are no assumptions to be made!
Miss Rheingold (Bassia Bar-Chai!)

1 comment:

  1. Have a good trip. I look forward to hearing from you again in Janurary.
