Monday, October 1, 2018


Practically every week a day or two before the blog is due a title enters my mind without a particular context.
As I sit down to write, a context begins to form.
Two days ago I thought Small is not necessarily less than Big. Sometimes something small can bring more comfort, especially for a baby or small child. Then I thought, something big and fluffy can be easier to grab hold of by that small child.
Now I am thinking of examples: a tune versus a symphony. Each has its place in life: a room versus an apartment or a house:
a new pair of shoes versus a whole new outfit: a first marriage versus a first meeting: a single day versus a whole year.
There are many to conjure. As my life grows longer and my years grow shorter I have begun to emphasize SMALL or SHORT!
Simple pleasures have become magnified. This one could be the last! Large problems become magnified as well. They seem insurmountable given that time has shortened. Small greetings and gestures hold more power for me, offered or received.
I am reminded of the frequent expression, "a pinch of salt. A small addition can bring out the flavor more than a large one.

Of course I still do allow myself to wander into big plans once in a while, but I do not set them up for too much time from now!
Currently, I am working on learning Mandarin from an internet site. Language well spoken is pure music to me. I have no special goal in mind since I have already visited China some time ago. My daughter got married to a Sri Lankan in Hong Kong, and my partner and I traveled into other parts of China at that time. I have never thought of Mandarin becoming part of my linguistic panoply. Is it a small plan ---short term, or is it a long term one? Undecided.

There are different ways to confront growing older, for sure. Perhaps it is time to examine your willingness to make long and short term plans (preferred word to "goals"). Examine how real they feel or how useless or unreal.
Are you playing with yourself? Shortchanging yourself? My husband and I have been invited to spend two weeks in Florida during December. The plan is a family visit with grandchildren (three of them out of four). It is a short term plan, but I do allow for surprises! It is analogous to sewing on a button without biting off the tail of the thread. I am letting the tail dangle!
Life does seem relatively short from this end, and yet who knows? Most of my life has been spent one day at a time; the grand times and the pitfalls given equal measure.
So "small vs. large", what does that truly mean?
My body is small; my vision is big. My budget is small; my appetite is big. My mind is deep; my body grows weak.
C'est la vie---an old French adage that finally comes full circle!
A bientot, my life has been long; my hours are short.


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