Monday, October 29, 2018

UP, UP, and AWAY!

I will be discontinuing my weekly blogs as of now until mid January. We are getting ready for a big family visit to Florida, and there are other important matters taking up my time and serious commitment.

On top of the list is helping a woman friend of mine to find a kidney donor. She has been on Dialysis for 7 months now. I have written a bio for her to send out to all possible avenues.
I will be in correspondence with various groups and institutions.
If anyone cares to read my brief presentation of her-----please let me know, and I will send it off to you.

I believe she deserves a kidney donation because SHE does! Her life is not ready to end.
I will not be sending emails while on vacation-----nor do I plan to be on a computer.

I trust I will join you again mid January-----I will be another year older in December.

Do think about looking back on this last year's submissions---November 2nd will be a year's anniversary since I began to send to some of you,(not all)---if you were late on the list.
You may want to see what came before!
The topics vary considerably. There are no assumptions to be made!
Miss Rheingold (Bassia Bar-Chai!)

Monday, October 22, 2018


Translated, Age with Action.....
 The Trunk = standards
The leaves = expression
The Roots= emotions

I don't want to grow old (nasty word, but fine for antiques), but I don't want to grow young either!
My desire is to add action to my life, and to diminish complaint.
Let the branches flourish as my roots grow stronger (soon into the ground). I hope to leave something behind which will blossom into a beautiful tree for someone still growing branches.

There is a sense of urgency in just about all I do these days. A feeling of being in hard drive serves me well.
In a race one runs to the finish line, n'est-ce pas?
Everything matters-----like wanting to taste all that is being offered in a buffet.
There are a few health and dental items that remind me to hasten! I have not been left free of such conditions.
I wonder how all of you are handling this passage.
There are days when a deep depression overcomes me, and I don't want to let it go, even if I say I do!

The reality of a final departure clamps down on my brain, and I quiver. Although this is not satisfying, it brings in a close focus which serves me the following day!
I am currently learning some Mandarin for fun and because it is a language I have not embarked upon earlier. Japanese was a former love of mine, but I casually dismissed Mandarin.

My husband & I are looking forward to a winter trip to Florida, a treat from David's son and his wife.
The wife's mother-in-law plans to be joining us as well. We have three small grandchildren in that branch of the family.
The fourth granddaughter, from another daughter will not be making an appearance.
It seems to be of major importance to have something really special to look forward at this time of life.
I know I cannot be alone in this feeling.

There are always a few new authors to take seriously. I take literature seriously---like living a second life!
Losing friends who have been a part of my life for so many years does not go down easily.
Making new ones, however, does!


Monday, October 15, 2018


I have thought about this phrase---and then after a ton of years of doing both, I realized that in both short expressions the word "GIVE" is pronounced first. Perhaps that came about as a conscious choice, and not just by chance.

I think there may even be more ways to give rather than to take. Every smile we offer is giving something to someone. That is pretty simple, but how much that smile may be needed or desired cannot be known. Babies and older people seem to react the most when I offer a smile or warm comment or question. Since I walk great deal, (buses here are very slow), and a car or wagon is priced out of our budget, I can see daily welcome reactions to my innocuous comments.
Of course in Eilat things are very relaxed---it is a sort of drop out spot even for young families. Wardrobe choices are sporadic, and can offer amusement, guffaws, ridicule and downright nausea! I try to focus on the rare really tasteful choices. They do exist, if focus can be maintained! Some people drag in what seems to be underwear.
The babies and young children are a sure target to give----I comment on their size, smiles, depth of concentration, sounds or effort to speak, their reaction to my attention and on their wardrobe!

"TAKE" is a harder verb to practice. It is, however very important for other people to feel needed and to be able to offer something of value. I feel, however, weak when I am forced by circumstance to ask for help, to take what is offered. It is easier to give than to receive,
n'est-ce pas?
I see many lonely people here in Eilat---it is the last stop in Israel----across the sea from Jordan---we can see Egypt and Saudi, as well, from our small balcony. It is not considered to be part of Israel by many!
It is the tip of the desert---with a high mélange of mixed racial and linguistic groups, more so here that in other parts of Israel.
It often seems to me that people need more emotional and financial support here. Most incomes are insufficient. There are many people of retirement age, some of whom are on the streets with open hands outstretched.
Poor health is visible, or at least poor maintenance.
So, I often GIVE with light conversation in several languages.
I am able to receive compliments with grace, as I mentioned last week in my blog. I enjoy paying them back to others.
Thanking you for the attention you have paid to reading my weekly missiles!


Monday, October 8, 2018


Many of us, men and women, spend a good deal of time towards creating a favorable appearance. What is behind this?
I suppose we want to appear pleasant and attractive to others. This will probably give us more friendship appeal.
Wanting friendship is wanting love, not necessarily romantic love though. We all want to be accepted, so love in the looser sense. It is such a boon to have so many styles of gear to choose from!
For females, (and some males) there is also a wide variety of makeup choices. Individual aesthetic choices vary according to the message we want to send.

Are we dreamers? Thinkers? Doers? Beach bums? Intellectuals? Beyond the clothing and makeup game?
I, for one, have hung on to my sunglasses for most of my life as part of my personal style. Sun or no sun.
I like being taken as theatrical!

I heard a perceptive remark from Yuval Harari, the most celebrated, current Israeli philosopher, and author---- a gay man of about 40 years old.
"Brilliant people ask questions; smart people give answers."As I amble through the streets of Eilat, I am often stopped with questions:"Are you Dr.Marta?" ( a retired pediatrician about my age who is stylish).I need to reply,"No", and often ask when they last saw her."You aren't Dr.Marta?" "No", I reply! Sometimes there are those who are stunned. They cannot believe me.They want to hug me!
"Who are you then?" they ask. I have been taken for a famous French actress, most often for a very famous (and beautiful) Russian actress who has passed away. Bottom line, I am very frequently taken for someone I am not, but wish I were! This is what went on in Argentina as well----but there, it was a well known Argentine singer!
Of course I have searched for their photos, and found them, and recognize the similarity, and feel damn good about their image of me! In all this jumble, what am I trying to say?

I guess I am announcing that I am not really fully conscious of what image I am intending to evoke, but part of me must......since I do like what I hear! I like the questions, and enjoy the impression I am making without effort!
What questions have you been asking lately? What answers have you been offering?
Do you enjoy more of the aesthetic, or more of the poetic? Is there a distinction?
What do you want people to see when they look at you? Or does it depend upon the place and circumstances?
As for me, I guess I just like being noticed!
I will be off on holiday in a couple of weeks---so am winding down--- about two more entries.
Looking forward to reading your responses,