Monday, December 4, 2017

The REST is the BEST!

Last week my living location was a matter of concern; this week my living is what I am choosing to address full time! Having just celebrated my 82nd birthday, I became alarmed at having to announce my new age the day right after my birthday.
Making the rest of your life the best of your life is a step which must be taken if the value of continuity is to be respected and welcomed. I have been devoting myself to a serious Yoga practice this past two and a half years, a continuity of a home practice for a few years and a three time a week practice when living in Mexico until nine years ago. There is much to be uncovered once such a practice begins .Uncovered, in my case, has been to unveil both my fear of dying and my fear of not being quite sure of how to continue living without letting my fear of dying obstruct my activities or plans!
There has been, in evidence, the  benefit of decreasing my fear of demise insofar as my body has been allowing a great deal of bend, sway, and stretch in a myriad of directions and positions while adding to a sense of my own power to defer my final days!

Accompanying this devoted practice four to five times a week has allowed me to think I just may have the uncanny luck of ending my lifetime while on the Yoga mat! That thought softens the idea of the final exit.

Every fiber has come alive with added the added zest  of doing the asanas----not to be confused with exercises. These Yoga positions are not feats of performance, but rather going deeper into freedom of attachment from “achieving” or “proving”.

I run a busy though not hectic life, teaching several languages to adult students, performing from time to time in theatre pieces, my own, or from proven works that have been published. I organized an Eilat playreaders’ group over a year and a half ago, in English,   which meets weekly to read important theatre works and talk about the pieces as well as the playwrights.

To live NOW---and die LATER has been my current motto lo these past two years. The momentum has increased with each passing month!

I encourage all who are 50-60 and beyond to ponder less and do more, more that is, that really matters to you!!

My taste in folks has also elasticized. There are people now who appeal to me who would not have in earlier years. I find more to accept and to appreciate in so many different types of individuals who were edited from my choices heretofore.

My sex life has increased beyond belief ---- slowly building over these last 22 years, never flailing nor faltering, forever extending in satisfaction and playfulness. That is, I believe, a very important segment of our lives to the very end .New routes, new discoveries, not ever to be “the same old….” 

I am an atheist—I do not foresee an unknown future above and beyond. It is so clean to be able to write that statement freely here in a land where the believers on the right and the free thinkers on the left. My husband & I read aloud daily after breakfast and before Yoga practice. Sam Harris, Julian Barnes and the like are our muses. I cannot fathom anything about any religion to be true. I do not find it worth diatribes any longer ---or splashy sentiments or anti sentiment to disprove a worthless cause!
Enough  for now; next week I will offer more specific reactions to people I meet who have different beliefs from mine, different  political attitudes, different fashion choices, but who are, after all, human beings whose lives are ultimately going in the same direction of mine----a finale!

Keep going on, keep the engine pumping---and try a Yoga class, if you never have, or do one after a few months or years of letting it go!

Signing off, Miss Rheingold

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