Monday, December 25, 2017


Finale has a most definite ring---sort of like a curtain falling with accompanying light-Show is over---back to routine.
So, there seems to be a new set of lights that can be seen by those who remain in the audience.
There is much to be gained in the morning reading I am partner to with my husband David.
Real stuff----deep stuff--now into:
THE GENE, by Siddhartha Mukherjee---a wondrous piece by a medical innovator and investigator of the gene and all of its implications for many generations as told through the author's family's health history.

Reason has come into its own---finally putting the "feeling reign" into  its place- (up there somewhere)---speculation now succumbs to plausible thinking: refreshing and truly informative.

There is much to be said about choice of parental partners!

Living in Israel has allowed me to understand why the world in general can be said to be in a foul mess! Political mess, that is.
It also allows me to wonder about the lack of socialized medicine in he United States, a heavy factor in our choice to return to Israel.
Born to the rich variety of New York City, I am a native snob! Born an American Jew, I was not made to feel out of place as I do here in Israel.
There is much material development here; money from abroad is and has been plentiful.
The mentality beyond the material profit has scarcely been developed.
Today in our Yoga class, there was mention of the day being a holiday: Christmas. The instructor jumped a day ahead --this group will not be meeting tomorrow. There was some surprise as he went on saying that he was Christian, Muslim, and Jewish. I smiled. I am removed from all of it!
It is time to allow for reason to overtake feelings of faith---or at least to take equal billing.
Along with ongoing, horrifying starvation in Venezuela, I witness imposed starvation of healthy ideas to be fed to our next generations.
It is time to renounce religion and  its thwarted pronouncements. Reason can stand alongside of emotion----the two are not mutually exclusive.
It is time to hallow Alain de Boton and Sam Harris and other true thinkers who are believers in the possibility of life being  a truly satisfying experience for all human beings. It is time to brush religion out of the air---out of our hair---and into a new dustbin--- and a new and separate trash receptacle.
There is no time to lose----
Even the word "politics" is disturbing to me--all inclusive of ----what? I ask.
Keep reading the real stuff----keep making your minds clean---what can each of us do before kicking off?
Looking for solutions, MISS RHEINGOLD

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