Monday, December 11, 2017


Friends, Romans, Countrymen, lend me your ears!
Surely this bidding has been altered to: Lend me your eyes!

A week into the new age---or new stage of life--to include Shakespeare in my ruminations:
"All the world's a stage."

I have been suffering from an intense cold with 24 hour phlegm producing constant hacking, keeping me awake just about all night long!

The counter play to the marvelous week spent celebrating just last week.

I have come to the perfect conclusion that in life we do not create the first half, but we sure as hell do construct the second half----ah, but the final piece is the pièce de resistance.
Once one’s own demise is not blotted out by fanciful excursions into non - (i.e., accepted)  reality or a new poetic tinged reality, I am finding that facing forward into my own oblivion is a truly worthwhile challenge! Who do I want to be there? How do I want my final wishes and sentiments to be expressed? Do I want to have certain people excluded, or to be sure to have certain people present?

I am sad that cremation is not allowed in Israel. That would be my choice. I learned that there was a secret place in Jerusalem that has a crematorium. There would be a prohibitive cost, financially and emotionally for my religious family members. So, into a linen bag I will be popped, thrown into the dirt, with a ton of prayers for my next life (in heaven) pronounced by men I have not known (and would not have wanted to!).

I would like to be buried with a new copy of Josephine Hart’s OBLIVION. She passed away recently, within   the past few years.

Meanwhile, I am in an ambiance of celebration and exuberant planning for a life full of social obligations teaching private students foreign languages---my first true love!

I enjoy maintaining my beauty treatments---keeping myself deeply in love with my husband, and he with me!!

Each moment is alive with promise of enjoyment and recognition of the value of life. Clichés are usually not my forte; they are facile and unsophisticated, yes, but they have been uttered when the realization comes blasting into your psyche---YEAH!

Keep on living --- writing --- reading----making love ---- eating foods that make the act a délice---interacting with those whom you get pleasure from, as well as those who get pleasure from you.
OK — final note: “The years they run like rabbits” W.H. Auden ---- make sure you get a full view ---
Of a field of rabbits!

Miss Rheingold

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