Monday, April 2, 2018

The BEGINNING portends the END......

Hello from the four corners of the East: Israel, Jordan, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia-----all from our balcony---well at least two of them, the other two just out of view!

The world is round, and life is linear. Some may think we do return in another form. Some may think we do go on in another sphere. I am witnessing several lives in this calendar one. As I change, so does the life I am leading.

The week long holiday of Passover bodes open festivity and vacation and family reunions. We celebrate the departure from Egypt, the desert crossing, the arrival into the land of milk and honey.
At this point in my life it seems that almost every day is a crossing and an arrival! I am, at times, sad to see the day end, yet elated to see a new one begin! I know that all life must end, and I am indeed part of that “all”. Having acted professionally, and having taught Drama, I had opportunities to change persona as well as life situations as well as to create such for my students. That may be just why actors choose that profession. I know it has been my pleasure.

There is a fine book I heartily recommend THE FIVE INVITATIONS   by Frank Ostaseski.
It encompasses what death can teach us about living fully. My latest feeling about this matter-—for the last year or so, has been that not only the proverbial cat has nine lives, but I do too.
I have not been a procrastinator, but even less so now as time shortens, I delight in the speed-up.

“Enjoy yourself! It’s Later Than You Think”, a good song to sing at holiday time when we naturally allow ourselves to mark special days on our calendars. How? What? When? Where?
With  Whom?
 “Give” had become the big adjective for me until very recently when “take” took the fore- ground. I had to seek financial help for my dental needs. Take is harder for me than Give is what I learned. I will now turn around to GIVE again.
Wheels turn, and we generally enjoy watching that activity. Life turns, and we hope to keep it in place .Funny, huh?
How about some dialogue regarding “give and take”? If you are up to it, that is, I would like to read some expressions of those verbs in your lives from you.
Meanwhile, Yoga classes keep me sane and fit to breathe!
Sending “I miss you” messages to all who receive this blog,
Miss Rheingold


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