Monday, April 30, 2018


OMG! An eventful trip and celebration to Tel Aviv. The second day, we were hit by a heavy hale storm (golf ball size) with flooding rain stopping all traffic and much footfare!  Finally located a last umbrella for sale.
It started at 4:30 p.m.-- one half hour before David's birth time!
An overwhelming occurrence---first time ever in Tel Aviv in any season!
There was much that day and the day before to warm the senses as well as each other.
Back to Day No1!
We casually bumped into two different people from Eilat half a block away from our  simple hotel.
One of them was a friend who gives voice and piano concerts just about everywhere! I met her while David took off for a short walk to the beach. She said to stop by her hotel where she donated her father's piano!
When we saw her the next day, she gave us a mini concert. She played my favorite request for "Sentimental Journey"that had been played throughout my childhood watching and listening to my dad play on his weekly visits to me at home. Tear fountains poured from my eyes warming both my heart and my cheeks. Lots.
The she said she was going to play a song for me. She rolled off CLAIR de LUNE as if it was a baby's rattle.
I asked, 'HOW DID YOU KNOW?" She said," I just did."
David jumped up to let her know that was the song responsible for my first marriage!
I had danced in a solo improvisation on a bare stage for at least 100 people at a Talent Show for a department store (Alexander's ---Bronx branch) and the coat buyer caught sight of me in a black leotard and flying wavy hair.
he was transfixed!

We met dear old friends ( after a three year hiatus) for a free lunch that I was being offered from Travel Advisor for the warm review I wrote on Travel Advisor! The following morning we had a free 2 hour Yoga class at the Sivananda Center of Tel Aviv. We are practitioners at the Sivananda Center in Eilat, so it all felt like family!
Great teacher, great class, perfect environment for a birthday celebration.
We sat through an all Russian evening talk by a recognized artist in a miniature Russian bookstore across from our hotel. I understood and David played along!

The days were criss- crossed---a bit star crossed as well, but a magnificent journey into the serendipity of life.
Make tomorrow jealous of today! Yeah!
All of what we seem to encounter allows for surprise. All we have to do is to recognize it!
We learned that Eilat had undergone a serious rain storm that last day we were returning home. A very rare occurrence in Eilat!
The storm on the road home had run wild flooding a Wadi two hours outside of Beer Sheva, drowning nine 18 year old pre- army recruits on a scheduled hike from their academy.
Another is still missing.Helicopters were shooting across the late afternoon sky  as we reached  the road two hours
outside of Tel Aviv.
An interesting trip for the beginning of a new personal year, indeed.
Best to all of you, Miss Rheingold

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