Monday, July 2, 2018


This week I have not been thinking about the blog's topic. I will, therefore allow for a free fall.
My chest has been expanding, though not swelling, as I arise to the day before me.
There is a repetitive statement in Yoga classes, at least in the Hatha Yoga classes, which states:
"I am not my body. I am not my mind."

I kind of get what this statement is trying to convey, i.e., there is part of me that is not easily discernible.
OK ---but the word soul, if that is what is being alluded to, is no longer in my personal vocabulary.
So what is it then? What is it that I am?
I like to think that my emotions are separate from my body and my mind. They are dwelling somewhere inside of me.
Some might think their origin is in the brain. That may be so. Mine run deep. I am sure of that. They also furnish me with thoughts of kindness that come out of feelings (whatever those are!).
As the months pass, (I am given to think more in months than years at this juncture), I can feel more deeply about my actions particularly as they affect other people. These need not be people I know or am related to in a significant way.

I am feeling that all of humanity deserves whatever I can offer if it is given with compassion. Obviously, I cannot give to all of humanity, so I can offer at random as a need arises in my presence. There is no way I will not be able to perceive such a need. If I am capable of filling it, I find myself more willing now than ever before.
I am most certainly my body when it hurts. I am most certainly my mind when assessing (or at times obsessing).
Sam Harris is giving many hours of his life to discover where our decisions are born. It is worth giving him a few hours of your time, by the way. Give a google!

Later life is the gift of a lifetime. If you make it, you can be reborn to the delicate beauty of it as well as the horror and burdens we can inflict upon it, and it upon us!
I am very conscious of time passing these days. I am swelling with desire to catch it as one can butterflies with a swinging net.
My body feels freer than it did for all of my youth. I am not, however, without health "conditions".
I have not been spared some of the forages of longevity! They are a sign of the end to come, I suppose.
That knowledge mingles with the joy of knowing I have today! A lot can be accomplished in a single day.
Up, up, and away!
Free Fall,
Miss Rheingold

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