Monday, February 19, 2018

Return of Miss Rheingold!

 Remember the song:"102 eyes of blue"? I was impressed with that weight as a symbol when in my teen years. I longer for it so keenly, I began the effort to reach it at 19 while still in undergraduate school.
Lo and behold! I am now (and have been fro quite some time ) 99.2!
No effort, no sweat required, and I can eat pretty much what I want to!I have lost all consciousness of calories.
Once again whatever you really want DOES come to you, if you are willing to wait long enough.
Prosaic, perhaps, but a real discovery once it all comes together.

Some of my deepest desires have been pretty superficial ones, now that I look back.Although I do not judge the desires of others as well as allowing my own to flourish.Desire is personal and allowed to remain private if one wishes.
Today a woman whom I have sought to avoid stopped me short in the street and asked me abruptly in Hebrew,
"Are you an English teacher?" I replied  in Hebrew,"Yes" I added, “Also Spanish, French and Hebrew”
Then she cornered me to ask, "How old are you? "I stood silent. I asked her why it was important. Once again, "How old are you?"My silence felt awkward. I asked her why she wanted to know. She replied with the same question. Then she started to guess--abruptly:"Sixty?"---- I remained silent."Sixty?" once again.
 Finally, after no reply, she came forth with, "Eighty?"---I answered, "82"---and caught myself in the flush of an awkward embarrassment. I have not made my age public-----vanity, perhaps mingled with not wanting the age difference known between my husband and me. Awkward vanity,  I suppose.
I am beginning to accept the end of my days. Disappointments are at once more severe and more tender.My digestion is fraught with pain and problems. I am about to embark on some serious dental repair.
My flexible body still works like a charm. Regular advanced yoga practice has helped my breathing significantly!

OK why all of this personal, perhaps even boring, recounting?
Perhaps it is something to share that is so petty, it is significant!
Perhaps to encourage each of you to look deeply into your desires and your hidden secrets and open their envelopes wider, if only to yourselves! If you really want it, it IS important.
Ah the mighty cliché, "It is never too late."---can this be so?
HUH?? Mmmmm. Maybe not...... just maybe. May be.

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