Sunday, February 17, 2019


The Clock Stops; Time cannot. Black to white, young to old, fresh to stale, warm to cold hits the body before the mind.

Would most of us choose to stop time if we could, or at least slow it down?
I am not sure about that, but I am sure as I feel my time diminishing, I would like to turn back the clock to have it advance at the same pace staring with at least ten years ago.

What would I do differently? What would I add or subtract from my current goings-on?
Not much, I muse. I retired from steady work or employment in my early 50's so that I could continue a life path not dominated by a boss or a clock.

I took the "road less traveled" and wandered and wondered far and wide continuing to find private employment as a teacher to private students and writing articles for an English language paper in Mexico as well as sporadic translation assignments  and editing people's manuscripts.

My employment as a Spanish teacher to adult foreign students in San Miguel, Mexico was a fine opportunity to create my own system and program which turned out to be a popular success!
I am continuing as a private foreign language teacher until this day in Israel.

So, tic toc---the clock is getting louder, and I may be growing softer. I am not without concern and some fear of how and when the curtain will drop. I am in amazement, however, how much the steady Yoga practice I enjoy with my husband keeps me vibrant and supple. I urge all of you to give it a go if you are not yet enrolled or have let it go.

The signs of use show up daily (outside of the Yoga classes!). We will all have a "go" at this preparation in our own manner, as we do and did for all of the time spent in it!

Until the next round,

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