Sunday, May 20, 2018


"I prefer the madness of passion to the wisdom of indifference."    Anatole France.
Another web of his wisdom:"I prefer the errors of of enthusiasm to the indifference of wisdom"
Somehow, I must have had a glimpse of my future life when admiring the fiction of Anatole France as a young teenager----my first of his was,"Penguins Island".
We all thrill to avoid the propriety of wisdom when some really good looking or good tasting choice appears!
As life progresses,  on the other hand,the choices I make seem to be able to combine both passion and wisdom.No agony, no inner battles to eshew, the" right" choices appear in right colors and often at the right time.
I am willing, even eager, to travel in a bus for a five hour round trip---each five has a different hue from the window.The  reason for the choice is usually to see someone I haven't seen for a very long time.
The definition of "a long time" can vary depending upon the closeness of the friendship.
There is even an 8 hour  bus trip I will make if I can  make the return the following day.
I can hardly do or see anything these days that does not call uon my deep enthusiasm or defiant regret.
In Yoga classes (for which my enthusiasm seems to be endless), enthusiasm lingers from one day to the next.The teacher  repeats the words (in Hebrew or in English):"You are not your body .You are not your mind.OK, I get the gist, but I am both plus the other component which hails my enthusiasm, my passion, and my desire to sing and to dance and to continue my Yoga practice!
The lust for this life is enveloped in a perfect croissant or a in a difficult schedule actualized without pain or stress,the whiplash of orgasm, the blowing of a strong breeze,the light in a window you were unable to find the last time you were there!
There is no wisdom contained in the above.There is no pause to "learn" from any one of these.
Madness of passion, yes, Monsieur France, it is what distinguishes living from just having life!
Travel encompasses all of this inhaling stuff----from one turn to the next.
My husband and I had a friend, a gay man who left the priesthood in order to be able to have a love partner and eventually they got married.
In the year 2002, the twelfth book he wrote was published:THE WAY OF THE TRAVELER.By JOSEPH DISPENZA----a worthwhile read---
He quotes Rainer Maria Rilke:
"There is only one journey.Going inside yourself."
With that, I will leave you to make your choice between Passion and Wisdom!
From the heat of Eilat,

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