Monday, January 28, 2019


There is much to be said for feeling good, yeah! There is much to be said about doing good, yeah!
However, when it comes to thinking about good, I feel a reservation.
We hear the echo frequently: THINK POSITIVE!
We have a redundant echo in Hebrew of "EIN B'AYA"---or worse, "HAKOL B'SEDER"
The first means, "No problem"; the second, "Everything is O.K.."

These sentiments are canned and glued onto the tongues of every native Hebrew speaker------EVERY ONE!
Regardless of the circumstance, the oncoming situation, the terrifying result or undesirable outcome, the reply is glued onto the tongue. I find it insulting and derogatory since one cannot assume the sentiment of another. The "other" deserves to be heard!

There seems to be a bond which makes all events "B'seder"---O.K. or literally, "in order".
There is full negation of the many events and ideas here which are not B'seder!

There is the above spiritual dogma that has been embroidered onto the tongues of many, not only among Hebrew speakers, but here, the religious as well as the secular Jewish crowd takes this vow!

Living here where there is a great deal "Lo B'seder" (not O.K.), it seems we are not supposed to react to negative situations or social imbroglios.
This feels like tyranny of untruth!

So---allow me to recount that there is a lot going on that is not O.K. There is inequity with financial ability here as elsewhere---even though we are supposed to be "The Light unto the Nations " There are many shadows, not the least of them political and economic.
So let us let in the negative---and acknowledge the paucity of truth that has been advertised (not by all, of course!)

Please let me in on your thoughts,

Sunday, January 20, 2019


So, at this late date in life, we have begun talking about a new place for us. We have both been feeling lost, misplaced, and out of sync.
It may be the trip which spiraled us into an emotional misfit syndrome, or maybe that event just brought what we have been feeling all along into the spotlight.

There is not a way that I can conceive of to make such a broad leap at this time into a fully new environment.
We do not have a cabin tucked away in a warm, cosmopolitan climate awaiting a good dusting!
David wants to see me in a place and environment which will be stimulating and welcoming-----for my last hurrah!

Since our return, I have been having serious breathing problems. For the time being, I will have to cancel my serious Yoga practice, and drag myself to participate in lesser classes in which I have been enrolled.

The verb "to breathe" has become of paramount usage for me these last couple of weeks. I feel like a machine that needs to be oiled! My doctor cannot find the trace of the problem, so I took an X-ray today for him to examine.
There is always a sense of immediacy as we frolic through our day, or run, or pause, or circle or rest.
I am not one given to an abundance of rest, but am feeling that a new need to turn to!

Eilat has been very cold. Yeah, I know, desert and all that, but it can get cold---a dramatic reversal.
David has been working outside on a 24 ft. mural for a private home.The new approach now in art is photo application with spray paint----all done really fast.This is not his mode.He is a true oil painter of the old school.
Clients do not want to pay more than the fast job would cost!

My language students keep my throttle going.I do enjoy this activity.
Up and at'em until the last!


Wednesday, January 16, 2019


Allow for a bit o' diary ---- At first, we took off for a two hour journey with a hotel spot in Tel Aviv for 5 hours of sleep at  5pm---to wake up at 3a.m (after trying for  over three hours to sleep, for an airport shuttle back to the airport for a 3 hour wait on a very confusing airline arrangement---Iberian Air through El Al ----hard or figure --- after much ado, got it straight---but got to an immense line since now our three hour early arrival did not pay off!
So with hardly a solid wink ---- we were shoved into a nasty spot ----- illuminated by a multitude of what seemed out-of-space tiny flickering screens---no one looking out --- (all shades drawn). I could not look at one AND could not get a wink.
This was a 7 hour flight to Madrid!!
And so after long airport sit-ins, we boarded yet another plane to be seated for several hours----after a stopover of 5 hours in JFK --- winter frost was dazzling as we took off for airport transport on a bus of what seemed like 200 souls--who were remaining enchanted by BIG TRAVEL --crammed like war hostages----.We were hardly dressed suitably for NYC----cold horror!
The friendship of a couple was our first descent---in Orlando at MIDNIGHT---- they were dear enough to pick us up in the baggage claim.
The woman had been my former roommate in Oakland, CA. The three day stay in utter luxury (in a 5 star Time Share----a Marriott acquisition which can take you all over the world!) was a grand reunion. They had come to visit us in Safed (Israel) for Rosh Ha Shana about 7 years ago.
After that, things went downhill, both for chosen locations (Davenport & Davie, Florida---a week each) in lost -on -the map locations---taking a well trained (GPS) car at every moment for local transport to any sign of civilization or place of interest. Yes, a great play area for kids (which is what the WHOLE trip amounted to)----and a Jacuzzi---outdoor & indoor---a very long kids' pool--and three exercise machines----all a few blocks from a extenuated prison block of small renter houses which proved to be a very tight and "unprivate" living space!
Florida was very cold---with Tornado warning in the north --- (Orlando)--and thunder storms for two out of the three days there!
Perhaps more details than you require---the ethos being that we felt crowded out--both emotionally and physically to the extent that we were notified of the day's plans--not voted in!
I did make it to a great Yoga class in Kissimmee with the other mother-in-law and my daughter-in-law--a historic town  really worth the visit--- a truly untouched gem---antique delicacy---all gone in most of Florida----all “malled out” with body therapy and nail emporiums every quarter of a mile!
Our last two days if this journey were delightful in a hotel for a night in Miami----friendship visits---and freedom from the emotional cramping.
I did enjoy my nearly 7 year old granddaughter---she is almost a fluent Spanish speaker (in a special school) and learned s few Hebrew songs from me----and was highly communicative in talks! What a treat---but I was not surprised!
She was like that 2& 1/2 years ago when we visited her at home.
The selection against Miami and in favor of DAVIE (!) was due to the other mother-in-law whose parents had lived there later in life.
Aerial disaster was to complicate the ride home from Miami to Barcelona------while cramping refugee style with a small single pillow which could have been to used to stifle my cries of fear as the plane went through deep turbulence several times without pilot warning.
Each time a long period of serious nighttime turbulent periods, the pilot announced that it had not shown up on the computer, and therefore had not been announced.
I have had very serious air travel throughout many years, but never anything so frightening in the middle of the night.
David had to sit right behind me in the very back row, and I wound my left hand around to take hold of his, feeling that the plane would be crashing. I cried and cried.
So much for the longest journey on our way back to Israel----once again through Spain!

An old Jewish American friend, living in Mexico, once uttered the highest form of travel truth:
When David & I asked her how she enjoyed her vacation knowing how much she loved to travel, she replied:
I went to Miami to be with family. You call that travel?!?
May I never forget that wisdom, and not fail to keep her sentiment alive.
My husband and I decided---"this is it!"---NO MORE 24 hours on planes and in waiting rooms---no more 24 hour eyes open---cramped like Nazi prisoners on spaceless, gnawing stool like seats------
Sorry for not making this more idyllic---but truth deserves to be acknowledged.
Next week I plan to resume more positive input!

Miss Rheingold