Monday, March 4, 2019

PASS THE PASSION (Oh, and the salt too!)

PASS THE PASSION Oh, and the salt too!
(This piece was written February 22, 2007)

We ought to struggle to defend against ourselves. We are all blooms in a garden, and wither and die as all plants and flowers do.Is it true that this damned conscience which forges an importance beyond that of all plants and flowers cannot be erased?
A falsity! A crime we visit upon ourselves.....
Why can't we just allow ourselves to blend into the sea or a bush and see ourselves as reborn inside of them, as a metaphor, of course?
Let us do away with the concern of how? and when? Certainly of why? None of that is important.
Afterlife means no more life.It needs to be re-labeled "Nonlife" or "Lifegone".
Must each wave have its own name and burial grounds, a pacemaker worth immortalizing in bronze?
Charge up your petals! You are but a flower,ah! but flowers are beautiful while yet in bloom.
Enjoy your special identity now, if it still offers you pleasure to do so,or begin at this very moment to blend into the larger garden. Choose the color into which  you choose to  settle.
Forget the anima for the time being; it will forge itself through the leaves and stems, if it is meant to!
We are here to break waves and to drench drifting sands.
Meanwhile, pass the passion along with the salt, but be sure it does not get wasted.There must be a plate of solid food to receive it!
A recent film worth seeing: LIFE ITSELF
Au revoir until next week,

Monday, February 25, 2019


We are all familiar with the many instruments and calendars that are designed to measure time. Sun Dials were looked upon as reliable measures, and watched as we do clocks today.
However, how have we looked upon and considered the element of t-i-m-e?

I look at such as "the delicate saw of time". It works without anyone driving the long handle back and forth. It is on "automatic", a word used so frequently in modern times.
If we were to live out each day counting the minutes and hours with continual significant attention, we would tire of the monotony and drudgery of this demanding task.

And yet, if we do not plan adequately and keep a daily log, we will run scattered and partially aloof, turning our attention in too many directions at once. This could allow for spontaneity and surprises both welcome and unwelcome!
Maybe that is why vacation periods have been devised.
Now, I am looking at the size and edges of a large saw in my mind's eye. The teeth are sharp, the handle swift, the motion steady as it is wielded. Time can fly from its handle, or blow in tidbits, or stubbornly stick before flying. This is a microcosm of the time allotted to our lives.
I am including herein a poem I wrote at age 50 while living in Argentina. It is my view, review, and plea for expansion of time.
Please give it a read. Thank you,


Oh this death business
Can be murky and cold,
Where no coffee is served
And birds are no longer aloft.
I want no part of it,
Yet each hour chimes its bludgeon
Don't give me Rest-in-Peace.
Give me boat rides to castles
Tipping the coffin
To varnish its hue.
Make ready the dirt bed,
To send me off to the skies?

Miss Rheingold

Sunday, February 17, 2019


The Clock Stops; Time cannot. Black to white, young to old, fresh to stale, warm to cold hits the body before the mind.

Would most of us choose to stop time if we could, or at least slow it down?
I am not sure about that, but I am sure as I feel my time diminishing, I would like to turn back the clock to have it advance at the same pace staring with at least ten years ago.

What would I do differently? What would I add or subtract from my current goings-on?
Not much, I muse. I retired from steady work or employment in my early 50's so that I could continue a life path not dominated by a boss or a clock.

I took the "road less traveled" and wandered and wondered far and wide continuing to find private employment as a teacher to private students and writing articles for an English language paper in Mexico as well as sporadic translation assignments  and editing people's manuscripts.

My employment as a Spanish teacher to adult foreign students in San Miguel, Mexico was a fine opportunity to create my own system and program which turned out to be a popular success!
I am continuing as a private foreign language teacher until this day in Israel.

So, tic toc---the clock is getting louder, and I may be growing softer. I am not without concern and some fear of how and when the curtain will drop. I am in amazement, however, how much the steady Yoga practice I enjoy with my husband keeps me vibrant and supple. I urge all of you to give it a go if you are not yet enrolled or have let it go.

The signs of use show up daily (outside of the Yoga classes!). We will all have a "go" at this preparation in our own manner, as we do and did for all of the time spent in it!

Until the next round,

Tuesday, February 12, 2019


Ahhhh! The SELF---and the fun of PHONES! We no longer need to use our memory or, for that matter, much that has been buried in our brain for future connection.
I do not and will not possess an instrument that will allow me to forget my own phone number!

The love, charm, and sometimes anger or disappointment that has, in the past, been expressed by voice has now been replaced by a slave-cell to send a misspelled message by SMS.
I do find the whole episode a violent dismissal of human connection!

Here in Eilat, it may be even more rampant that elsewhere. On a bicycle with a baby attached, at the steering wheel, smoking a cigarette, the familiar pastime here --- (regardless of age or life station, this includes Rabbis), is the slave- to-cell that is above all else the important connection to a life force!

Crossing small or main streets with or against the right light, the conversation does not halt. The nausea of having to be witness to self preparation for the ubiquitous Selfies, on buses, bus depots, coffee shops, while driving, allows for no pause.

When the delivery rooms start to impose these self same selfies, we will know we are no longer fully bearing our role as fully developed human beings!

Children here find it hard to grasp adults' hands since between the lit cigarette and hand- held cell there is no place for the hand or the child's communication. At age two, or even younger, the little ones are supplied with their very own cell implement. This is usually their nearer of comic cartoons as they are strolled throughout the city and/or its malls.

Am I against progress? No, I do not believe so. I am against the overwhelming self aggrandizement that has become the norm. No more searching for the right answer, the right thought, the right word, the right number; it is all fed to your greedy eyes faster than a blink of same!
Where are we rushing to? What will be the brain without use? Atrophied? Swollen with forgetfulness?
Have you been experiencing CELLHELL instead of SELF HELP?
It is sad, obtrusive, and a threat to our very specialty---a human being with the gift of thought and speech!

Here's to coffee and conversation without cameras and cellslaves,


Monday, February 4, 2019


Last week I thought I had an original title: "The Tyranny of the Positive”...Days later, I learned that there is a somewhat similar current English expression: The Tyranny of the Familiar"---a surprise!
I suppose there is really no singular neologism, and as much as we would like to believe in our originality, mmmmm?

In any event, I learned this when I heard that many new immigrant arrivals to Israel do not choose to remain within our borders.
Why not? Simple response was that they cannot adjust to the new foods, and long for the foods and brands they are used to!
Nothing deep, like politics or language or difference in world outlook. Different manners, perhaps or simple habits that are missed.
I heard this from a non-Jewish American on a year's volunteer visa who explained this when I relayed my new blog title.

I, for one, do not and have not ever, that I can recall, long for the familiar. Au contraire, I have continued to long for the unknown and unfamiliar, not out of boredom, I suspect. I find delight in what may be a new slant on an old idea or concept, religion, philosophy, or something mundane as food or dress habits.

I choose to dismiss the "familiar", or at least suspend it, while in the midst of discovery. Expression in a new language drives me wild!
New aspects of expression or new connotations to a well worn word, for instance.
Now, when it comes to a partner, I do indulge in the familiar with grace and deep desire.

I will welcome your thought and feelings about this concept, either on today's title, or last week's, "The Tyranny of the Positive" from those who have not yet responded.

Much familiar feeling, MISS RHEINGOLD

Monday, January 28, 2019


There is much to be said for feeling good, yeah! There is much to be said about doing good, yeah!
However, when it comes to thinking about good, I feel a reservation.
We hear the echo frequently: THINK POSITIVE!
We have a redundant echo in Hebrew of "EIN B'AYA"---or worse, "HAKOL B'SEDER"
The first means, "No problem"; the second, "Everything is O.K.."

These sentiments are canned and glued onto the tongues of every native Hebrew speaker------EVERY ONE!
Regardless of the circumstance, the oncoming situation, the terrifying result or undesirable outcome, the reply is glued onto the tongue. I find it insulting and derogatory since one cannot assume the sentiment of another. The "other" deserves to be heard!

There seems to be a bond which makes all events "B'seder"---O.K. or literally, "in order".
There is full negation of the many events and ideas here which are not B'seder!

There is the above spiritual dogma that has been embroidered onto the tongues of many, not only among Hebrew speakers, but here, the religious as well as the secular Jewish crowd takes this vow!

Living here where there is a great deal "Lo B'seder" (not O.K.), it seems we are not supposed to react to negative situations or social imbroglios.
This feels like tyranny of untruth!

So---allow me to recount that there is a lot going on that is not O.K. There is inequity with financial ability here as elsewhere---even though we are supposed to be "The Light unto the Nations " There are many shadows, not the least of them political and economic.
So let us let in the negative---and acknowledge the paucity of truth that has been advertised (not by all, of course!)

Please let me in on your thoughts,