Monday, March 4, 2019

PASS THE PASSION (Oh, and the salt too!)

PASS THE PASSION Oh, and the salt too!
(This piece was written February 22, 2007)

We ought to struggle to defend against ourselves. We are all blooms in a garden, and wither and die as all plants and flowers do.Is it true that this damned conscience which forges an importance beyond that of all plants and flowers cannot be erased?
A falsity! A crime we visit upon ourselves.....
Why can't we just allow ourselves to blend into the sea or a bush and see ourselves as reborn inside of them, as a metaphor, of course?
Let us do away with the concern of how? and when? Certainly of why? None of that is important.
Afterlife means no more life.It needs to be re-labeled "Nonlife" or "Lifegone".
Must each wave have its own name and burial grounds, a pacemaker worth immortalizing in bronze?
Charge up your petals! You are but a flower,ah! but flowers are beautiful while yet in bloom.
Enjoy your special identity now, if it still offers you pleasure to do so,or begin at this very moment to blend into the larger garden. Choose the color into which  you choose to  settle.
Forget the anima for the time being; it will forge itself through the leaves and stems, if it is meant to!
We are here to break waves and to drench drifting sands.
Meanwhile, pass the passion along with the salt, but be sure it does not get wasted.There must be a plate of solid food to receive it!
A recent film worth seeing: LIFE ITSELF
Au revoir until next week,